The gym is where life happens.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bar or Scale?

Today I actually had a spotter at the gym(the hubs).
It is always nice to have a spotter especially on chest day. You can try weight that you normally wouldn't and not fear a broken sternum or squished esophagus.

Well, the hubs has been saying for a while that he thinks I can put up a plate on bench. (For you non-gym goers, he thinks I can bench press 135 lbs).
I am not one to find my max reps on really anything because I feel like I can guesstimate what it would be, but I have to say I was curious.

All that coming home & blabbing about my workout to the hubs was coming back to bite me in the butt.

He was gonna make me try. Now. In front of multiple other people.

Welp. I had to pee first (don't wanna pee your pants from all the pressure).
Then with shaky hands I gave it a try.

I did it. It felt cool.

Of course then I couldn't stop there, & I really wanted to see if I could do my own body weight so we added 10 lbs (those of you adding up to find my weight, it's around 145-150 lbs depending on the day.)

Welp. Failed.
Mostly cuz I was all jacked up from the previous lift & kinda lost my form, but I gave it a try.

And I will try again very soon. Oh yes, I will.

The point is; I'm cool.
No, actually a lot of girls can lift double what I can do. But that's not the point.

There will always be stronger, better, and faster people than me. But I don't care about them. (I mean, I care that they are ok and everything). But I don't want to compare myself.

I want to take on myself.

I've been thinking a lot about performance in the gym lately.

I'm totally over trying to achieve the "womanly" physique or chasing that dream of being the "thin" or
dare I say it, skinny woman.

To me that is almost a dirty word. 

You have probably seen the newest saying all over the internet "Strong is the new Skinny."
And I have to say, I really like it. A lot.

My focus has shifted from wanting to look a certain way or see a certain number to what I can actually DO in the gym.

That I can be strong and push myself to the limits to see what I can achieve. Not for any praise from someone(even though the hubs will have to hear about it) or so I can post on facebook that I did it. But just to see the hard work pay off. To think you can't do something. Work hard. And then achieve it. 

Gyms are filled with people doing the latest "get skinny" workouts or "get 6 pack abs in 3 seconds per day". Not only is all of that crap, but it's got our focus on the total wrong things.

I say, loose the mirrors in the gyms. Throw away all the ellipticals (we will leave that for another post but lemme just say, steady state cardio- blah!). Get rid of all inner & outer thigh machines(please!). And let's get down to business.

Let's just see what we can achieve.
Not how hot we can look and if you can see our abs yet. (yes, I'm guilty of wanting that at times but that can't drive my workouts).

Saw this question on a Crossfit fitness blog & it kinda got me going.

What matters more to you; the number on the scale or the number of pounds on the bar? 

Next time you walk into the gym focus on the number of pounds on the bar instead of the number on the scale.
You might feel a little bit of freedom & start having some fun.