The gym is where life happens.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Vegeta-Bowl A Day Contest

In an effort to eat MORE veggies I put together a little contest for you all.

Are you ready for this?

Every day starting March 13th until April 13th you must eat a bowl full of veggies....and LIKE it!

Email( or text me the picture of your vegeta-bowl with a small description of what is in it every day of the contest. If you don't have the technology to send me a picture then first, get with the times & then just send me the description of your vegeta-bowl.
*Please note that laughing is also very healthy for you so humorous pictures go a long way :)

Out of ALL of the people who submit their pictures, whoever submits the MOST vegeta-bowls through the contest WINS a blog post highlighting them with details of how they stay healthy!
(If in the event there is a tie then the winner will be chosen by an extensive process of which I will not belabor you with all the details yet.)

I know you are worried about the whole EVERY day thing. I can already hear the excuses.

Wanna know what I think? (If you don't....too bad cuz you're reading my blog so you are going to hear it!)

You SHOULD be eating veggies every day anyway! They have more health benefits than I could possibly list PLUS (for those of you that care), they SLIM you down!

Here are some examples of vegeta-bowls you can send me. Don't get caught up in the "bowl" thing. Just use that as a gauge for how big the serving should be.

Here's an example of a lunch vegeta-bowl (I guess it's a vegeta-plate....)

Brussel sprouts, cherry tomatoes, yellow peppers, and avocado (I never said that I was creative!)

If you are like one of my friends and want to drink your veggies, go for it!
Honestly, I don't know all that is in this but I'm sure she will participate in the contest & you will be able to see all of her crazy creations! it?
Contest starts tomorrow!
And if you're one of those that don't like competitions then just think of it as team effort to come up with creative ways to eat veggies. (I AM rolling my eyes if you can't tell.)

Ready, set, CREATE!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Some people just make it look so easy.

I tell them what to do for nutrition, we start working out, and BAM!
The inches/pounds just start falling off.

I'll pause for some of you to give a big eye roll.

We are all so different and so many things can affect our results; sleep, stress, thyroid(can I get an Amen!), food intolerance, yo-yo dieting.....the list goes on.

BUT for some people it's a no-brainer.

Stop eating crap. Start eating REAL food. Start Moving.

Something that can be so complicated is actually pretty simple. Sometimes I forget that.....

I noticed this with a client of mine. For the sake of privacy we'll call her, Catwoman.
(If you knew her then you would know why that's her pseudonym and not because she works out in a black leather onesie. And yes, I had to google "pseudonym" to make sure I spelled it correctly AND it means what I think it means.)

Anyway, back to Catwoman...

Catwoman has dieted on and off for many years. She actually knew what was healthy to eat but needed some guidance and mostly accountability.
We talked for about an hour about nutrition, most of which she already knew.
She started her food journal and started working out.

It's been 2 months since we started and she has lost 29 lbs (haven't seen her yet this week so we are probably at 30 by now!)

I asked her the other day how she did this over night change, and she pretty much said she "just did it". (Sorry Nike, but you're not the only one that can use that saying)

This woman who has bad arthritis, hasn't worked out in years, and works a full time job (complete with secretaries that bring in treats & catered lunches) is just getting it done.
 She has plenty of excuses she could use, but I've never heard one.

No fluff. No excuses. No complaining.

this post is mostly for you.

You are inspiring people everyday with your story.
Continue to use your powers for good not evil.

To the batcave!

"You either think you can or you think you can't. Either way you're right." -Henry Ford