The gym is where life happens.

Friday, December 14, 2012

I will inspire.

First post. 
Yep, this is serious. 
What I want out of this blog is a lot of things. The main thing is to share my amazing client's achievements & lives with the world, but also to share how they touch my life. 
Some days I might share some tips or even a killer workout that I built, like the one from Saturday; "Projectile Vomit" but that's a completely different post altogether.

Today, my client (for anonymity we'll call her "Whiskers Kitty Poo" OR WKP) gave me a Christmas present. 
See, most of you probably don't realize that some people's special talent is gift giving. Which makes my special getting. 
I've gotten so many leftovers from WKP that one week I didn't have to grocery shop at all. 
She has given me so many cutesy or silly things, I can't even recall them all but mostly what she's given me isn't tangible. 

Well, back to my gift today. 
She got me a necklace. Ok, so I'm not the type of girl that if you get jewelry for me it's going to be an easy home run. See, I don't really wear, dress clothes...I barely do my hair in the morning, just ask my 6am client.
 But this necklace was not just a necklace. It was what it MEANT.

It had 2 charms with writing. One said "I will" & the other said "INSPIRE". 

It has a cross (cuz I love Jesus) & my birth stone (cuz I was born).

As hard as this is for me to believe- I must have actually inspired her at some point.

That was a shock to me. Seriously.

This woman that I'm so amazed by the dedication she has to her family, her friends, & her workout was inspired by least a little.

That's kinda cool.

As she was blowing her nose during the workout (not a stall tactic...she is actually sick) in the bathroom the weight of those words really sank in.

Wow. I can impact someone's life for the good (or the bad).

I don't think we humans go through life actually thinking that we can change anything or anyone.
Sometimes we feel like we are tossed in the waves or just on some assembly line repeating the same thing every day.

I can actually make someone's life a little better.

 I always forget that.


  1. You have made MANY people's lives better. I have a bigger understanding of fitness and health since you came into my life. God gave you a great vision for your life because you are so good at what you do! Thank you :)
