The gym is where life happens.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Welp, I'm no longer employeed.

Feels kinda weird to be done at Lifetime but it feels even more weird not to be employeed anywhere.

No boss. No "schedule". No uniform (yippee!)

You'd think I'd be freaked out, but honestly I'm really excited.
Maybe it doesn't totally feel "real" yet, but I actually feel ready.

Since I became a Personal Trainer about 2 years ago my goal was to work for myself.

Now I'm not one of those people that have always wanted to own my own business.
"Business" has never  been something I was interested in or could even really spell all that easily.....bussiness, busines, biz-nass......ok, not the last one.

But here I am stepping into the unknown.

Really isn't all of life unknown?

We think we have some sort of control over where are lives are going, how much money we are making, & what we will do this week but really none is guaranteed to us.

I really feel like in the last year of my life I have realized that WORK is not everything.
Ok, most of you are my clients so that could come across badly.....bear with me. (by the way, I had to google if it was "bear" or "bare" with me......what did we do before google? I don't it)

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my work & I LOVE my clients. They are so precious to me & they give me so much enjoyment (and headaches know who you are). But nothing is promised to us & you can't take any of "it" with you when you're gone.

I feel like I meet so many people(myself included!) that work, work, & then volunteer, & then work some more.

But we need Balance.

Enjoy a break without checking your email, watch a movie without texting, cheer for the Bears without writing your blog(by the way, Go Bears! Fumble recovery just now!).

What about spending time with people? What about actually having a nice one on one conversation with the check out lady at WalMart? She's a person too. (By the way, I am terrible at doing that but I will start to try. Unlike my father that thinks that being a "greeter" at church means you thoroughly interview each person that walks into the church.)

Well, that's what I want for 2013.
Not to thoroughly interview everyone at church, that's not what I was referring to.


I want to work hard but I also want to value each moment I have. I want to try to be IN the moment & actually enjoy life with friends, clients, family, & yes, even that check out lady.

Here's to balance in 2013.
See ya next year ;)

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