The gym is where life happens.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Resist the Power

Happy New Year you ol' Building in Loan!

Those of you that don't know the reference were not born in this country.

How was your New Year? (not that you're going to's kinda like when you walk by someone & say "Hey, how's it going?"- you don't ACTUALLY want to know "how it's going", you're just being don't tell me how you're doing cuz I'm just being polite.)

This week my mind is racing.
The New Year stirs a lot of emotions up about fitness & health. So many people operating under so many misconceptions, no wonder they quit after 2 months.
But it truly makes me sad. They WANT to change & in their way they TRY to change but they don't know who to listen to & what to believe.

There was a sign I saw today that said "Advocare + Zumba = Slamm'in Body".

Really? That's all it takes? And that's all we care about in this society is having a "slamm'in body"?
(Not that I wouldn't take one if they were handing them out!)

But our focus is on the wrong things. We want to get skinny & if that means drinking some "new" shake 2x per day & eating only rice pilaf then we'll do it. (not an actual diet, but I'm sure it'll come out soon!)

We have made such an easy thing into something that is so hard! (not that losing weight is easy, rather what to do is simple).

Look around next time you are out. See how hard it is to get something that is NOT processed to eat?

Yesterday I was checking out in KMart (and yes, I was talking to the clerk so I am following up with my promise), but I noticed the food stand by the exit doors.
Pizza, soft pretzels, Icees, hot dogs, nachos. (I think I just heard Phil lick his lips)
It's not like I don't see this every day- I AM married to a man that ate 2 corn dogs from a gas station- but when you really think about's sad.

We are poisoning our wonderful bodies & our kids.
It's the truth.
I'm sorry if that sucks to hear.
Just because your kids aren't trying to "lose weight" doesn't mean they should eat it either. (I know you're thinking "Laura, you have no children, how would you know?" but I've witnessed families that feed their kids real food & the kids LIKE it. It's amazing.)

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy treats as well, but I truly believe you can have a delicious dessert without the side of  aspartame.

(Check out; & more tips to come!)

This stuff is so artificial you might as well just eat the plastic food that comes with you child's playschool kitchen set.

Where am I going with this? (That was not rhetorical, seriously, I'm not sure how to finish this off.)

I really feel like we can say no to it.

Resist the Power. Stick it to the Man. Fight for Your Right. Just Say No.

This is not a lecture.
This is a call to all of you that care about your health to help US become the majority.
Take charge of our health & be thankful for the bodies that we have.
There are a lot of people with unhealthy bodies that had no say in it, so let's not take ours for granted.

It's the only one we will get so let's make it "Slamm'in".


  1. For the record, Kmart has crappy pizza.

  2. Nothing makes you appreciate using your body more than breaking an ankle and not training for 3 months.

    My epiphany.

    Nachos are my weakness, by the way. Not Phil's

